Tutorial: Sales Reports |
The reports in the Sales Reports section provide statistics on the sales grouped in different ways. These reports can be used to identify sales trends in your venues. This tutorial discusses the Sales Reports available in the Portal.
The Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu lists several reports that you have at your disposal. The Sales Menu can be opened by selecting Menus and Sales Menu from the Navigation Menu. Open the Sales Reports section by selecting the link in the Sales Menu and a list of links to the various reports is displayed.
The State Sales link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu opens a sales report that displays figures by State. The report can be set to display data for a specific period and the Display As drop-down list allows you to display the data in tabular or graphical format. The Type drop-down list in the Filters tab allows you to select the type of report - sales figures, units sold or dollars per unit, for example.
Select a State link to drill down to the Site level for the report. This report is also accessed by selecting the Sales link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu. This version of the report lists statistics for each Site in the selected State during the specified period. The Type drop-down list allows you to select the type of data to report on - sales figures, units sold or profit, for example. You can select a Site name link to drill down even further to the Division Sales report, Department Sales report or Terminal Sales report.
The Division Sales report can also be accessed by selecting the Division Sales link from the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu. This report groups the statistics by Division, reporting on figures according to the selected Type for the Division in the selected State and Site during the specified period. You can choose this report to Display As a table or as a line, pie or bar chart. It is possible to select a Division Name and drill down to the Item Sales report or Department Sales report.
The Department Sales report can be accessed from the Sales Menu by selecting the Department Sales link in the Sales Reports section. This report can be used to view trends according to the Department for a selected State and Site during the specified period. The Display As drop-down list allows the data to be displayed in a table or line, pie or bar chart. The Filters tab allows you to filter the report details by Division and the Type drop-down list allows you to select the type of data displayed in the report - sales figures, units per customer or cost percentages, for example. Click on a Department to drill down to the Item Sales report for the Department.
The Item Sales report can be opened by selecting the Item Sales link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu. This report lists figures by the item for the selected State and Site during the specified period. The Display As drop-down list can be used to display the data in the report as a table or a line, pie or bar chart. The Filters tab allows you to select the Type of data in the report - sales figures, dollars per unit or scan rate, for example. The Range tab allows you to filter the data in the report by Department and choose the number of records to Display - Top 10, for example.
The Terminal Sales report can be accessed via a drill-down form one of the higher level reports. It can be used to view data grouped by the Terminals in the selected Site and/or State during the specified period. The report can be viewed as a table or a line, pie or bar chart according to the selection made in the Display As drop-down list. The Filters tab contains a Type drop-down list that selects the type of data displayed in the report - sales figures, units or cost per customer, for example. A Terminal can be selected to open the Department Sales report, filtered by the selected Terminal.
The Associated Items link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu opens a report that displays data on items that have been sold in the same transaction as a selected item. First use the Find Item screen to select the item you wish to report on. The report opens after you select an item and it contains data on each item that has been sold in conjunction with it at the selected Site during the specified period. The Display As drop-down list allows the report to be viewed in tabular or graphical format. The Filters tab allows you to select the Type of data displayed in the report - sales figures, dollars per kilogram or unit percentages, for example. The Range tab contains a Display drop-down list allowing you to select the number of records displayed in the report - Top 10, for example. Totals are displayed for each item, for the top number of items and for all items associated with the selected item.
Select an Item Description link to open a popup menu with the following options:
Edit this item, opens the Inventory Management screen to allow you to edit the details of the selected item.
Show items sold with this item, reloads the Associated Items Report with details of the items sold with the selected item. Effectively, this option switches the item selected for the Associated Items Report.
Show transactions containing this item, opens a journal screen listing the details of the transactions containing the selected item. Listed is the Terminal Number, Transaction Total and Journal Number for each transaction involving the selected item. A Journal Number can be selected to open the Journal List Detail report for the transaction.
The Supplier Sales link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu opens a report that groups the data by Supplier. This report displays data according to Site across the specified period and can be displayed in tabular or graphical format using the Display As drop-down list. The Filters tab allows you to select the Type of data in the report - sales figures, dollars per unit or cost per customer, for example. The Range tab allows you to filter the data in the report by Department if required. Select a Supplier Name link to open the Item Sales report filtered by the selected Supplier.
To group the data by Brand, open the Brand Sales report by selecting the Brand Sales link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu. This report displays details for each Brand sold at the selected Site during the specified period. Use the Display As drop-down list to display the data as a table or line, pie or bar chart. The Filters tab allows you to select the Type of data being displayed - sales figures, dollars per customer or cost percentages, for example. The Range tab provides a Department filter and a Display drop-down list which can be used to set the number of Brands to be displayed in the report - Top 10, for example.
It is also possible to display a report grouped by Fashion Styles. The Style Sales link in the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu displays data grouped by Style on product movement at the selected Site during the specified period. Use the Display As drop-down list to display the data as a table or line, pie or bar chart. The Filters tab allows you to select the Type of data being displayed - sales figures, dollars per unit or unit percentages, for example. The Range tab provides a Department filter and a Display drop-down list which can be used to set the number of Brands to be displayed in the report - Top 10, for example.
In this tutorial we have discussed the Sales Reports section of the Sales Menu. The reports available in this section of the Sales Menu provide data that allows you to analyse sales trends and identify the spending habits of your customers and the drill-down capabilities of these reports links them together in a convenient manner.