Tutorial: Lay-by |
The process of lay-by is where a Site holds an item in stock for a customer who pays for it by installments. When the item is paid for on the final installment it is owned by the customer who removes it from the Site. Lay-by orders are created and payments are made at the Point of Sale. In this tutorial we will investigate the Portal functions of making adjustments to lay-bys and reporting on the lay-bys in the system.
This tutorial will discuss the functionality of the Lay-by Menu. The Lay-by Menu can be opened by selecting Menus, Customer, Services and Lay-by from the Navigation Menu. There are two main sections in the Lay-by Menu, Maintenance and Reports, as well as the standard Menus and Logout links. Maintenance deals with the management of laybys while the Reports section of the Lay-by Menu allows you to report on the lay-bys in the Portal.
Lay-bys are managed in the screens accessible from the Maintenance section of the Lay-by Menu. Click on the Maintenance link to open Lay-by Maintenance.
The Maintenance section of the Lay-by Menu contains four links. The first link, New Customer, opens the Customer Maintenance screen, allowing you to create a new customer by filling in their details. Similarly, the Edit Customer link in the Maintenance section of the Lay-by Menu allows you to edit a selected customer's details in the Customer Maintenance screen. Both of these processes are discussed in detail in the Customer Maintenance tutorial and the links in the Lay-by Menu are provided for ease of use. In this section of the tutorial we will discuss the other two links in the Maintenance section of the Lay-by Menu, Find Lay-by and Edit Lay-by.
The Find Lay-by link in the Maintenance section of the Lay-by Menu opens the Customer Lay-by Search screen. In this screen you can search a selected Site for a specific Lay-By Number. After pressing the Search button a list of Lay-bys containing the Lay-By Number are displayed. Information displayed in this report includes the Lay-by Number, Customer Name, Account Number, Status, Lay-by Date, Expiry Date and Delivery Date for each Lay-by containing the specified Lay-By Number. Click on a Lay-by Number to open the Customer Lay-by screen, allowing you to edit the details of the lay-by.
The Edit Lay-by link in the Maintenance section of the Lay-by Menu is used to edit an existing lay-by in the Portal. First, select the debtor whose lay-by you wish to edit from the Find Debtor screen. This opens the Customer Maintenance screen. Select the Lay-bys tab to open the list of lay-bys that the customer has in the Portal. Click on a lay-by number to open the Customer Lay-by screen, allowing you to edit the details of the selected lay-by.
The Customer Lay-by screen displays the Customer name and Code for the lay-by. Use the Lay-By Number drop-down list to select a lay-by to edit and the Location drop-down list allows you to select the Site for the lay-by. As the lay-by is updated the Total, Paid, Total to Pay and Order Status fields are updated accordingly to reflect the changes. There are four tabs of information for the lay-by:
Details, displays the date, expiry, lay-by charge, miscellaneous instructions and cancel reason for the lay-by.
Items, lists the items in the lay-by. You can add items to the lay-by by entering the Item Code and pressing the Add button. Alternatively use the Find button to search for an item to add to the lay-by. As each item is added, its Description and Unit Price are displayed for your reference. Enter the Quantity of each item in the lay-by and any Discount as appropriate. Press the Update button to save the line to the lay-by. The Delete button can be used to remove a selected line from the lay-by.
Payments, lists the payments made at the POS against the lay-by. Information displayed includes the Payment Date, Amount, Deposit, Transaction Site, Terminal Number, Journal Number and Clerk.
Press the Update Details button to save any changes made to the lay-by in the Customer Lay-by screen. The Print button opens a PDF version of a receipt for the lay-by, allowing you to print or save a copy of the lay-by transaction. After the final payment has been made, the Delivered button allows the Portal user to change the status of the lay-by to delivered, meaning that the goods have been received by the customer. The Cancel Lay-by button can be used to cancel the selected lay-by - note that a reason must be entered in the Details screen to cancel a lay-by.
The Portal provides some reports to help in the maintenance of your customers' lay-bys. In this part of the tutorial we will discuss the Reports section of the Lay-by Menu, accessed by selecting the Reports link in the menu.
The Customers link in the Reports section of the Lay-by Menu opens the Lay-by Customer Details report. This report lists all customers that have made a lay-by purchase at the selected Site. Details displayed in this report include the Customer Name, Site, Address, Suburb, State, Postcode, Phone Number, Mobile Number and Fax Number for each customer. Click on a Customer Name to open the Customer Lay-by screen, allowing you to edit the lay-bys for the customer in the Portal.
The Summary link in the Reports section of the Lay-by Menu opens the Customer Lay-by Report. This report lists the details of each lay-by in the Portal at the selected Site during the specified period. The Type drop-down list can be used to filter the report by lay-by status - Pending, Paid, Delivered, Expired, Cancelled or All. Information displayed in this report includes the Customer Name, Account Number, Site Name, Lay-by Number, Phone Number, Alternative Phone Number, Lay-by Date, Expiry Date, Delivery Date, Status, Total Amount, Paid Amount and Balance Outstanding. Select a Customer Name to open a PDF version of the lay-by receipt, allowing you to print or save a copy.
In this tutorial we have discussed the maintenance of lay-bys in the Portal. In addition we have looked at the reporting facilities available to aid in lay-by management.